The Power of Subconscious Mind

The Power of Subconscious Mind

I am always amazed by the power of the subconscious mind, which can be accessed through hypnosis. I described the basic conversation with my first-time clients in my previous blog. Typical conversations with my clients usually involve explaining what hypnosis is and...
Can Anyone be Hypnotized?

Can Anyone be Hypnotized?

Hypnosis is a powerful tool used to help people overcome challenges, from quitting smoking to managing pain. As a hypnotherapist, I am often asked if everyone can be hypnotized. The answer is no. For someone to be hypnotized, they need to be willing and able to focus...

The trap of gambling

This is something that you are hopefully not trapped into at the moment.  The facts I’m going to relate you are very relevant.   So you are aware of them and you are forewarned of the danger of gambling. My opinion gambling is probably the most vicious and dangerous...

Even Lotto Winners Get the Blues

It may sound strange that I am writing about lotto in a negative way.  A lotto win can result in stress anxiety and may be trauma.  A very large percentage of people weekly buy a lotto ticket, may be several.  They are all potential millionaires, may be multi ...