Hypnotherapy for binge drinking/problems with alcohol

Do you want to quit drinking?
The Number One Reason Why Hypnosis to Stop Drinking Works
Hypnosis to stop drinking works by addressing the root cause of the problem. You see, the thing about alcohol abuse or dependency is that, more often than not, there is an underlying issue behind the addiction or dependence.
Trying to solve alcohol dependency, while ignoring the root cause is the same as curing a broken wrist by administering a painkiller. Of course, in such a case, the anesthetic will only take care of the pain (temporarily), but the broken wrist will remain broken until a treatment that seeks to address the broken bones is sought.
How did you or your loved one start drinking?
Supposing it’s you who’s addicted or dependent on alcohol, how did you start drinking? What is that thing that pushed you to keep drinking until you realized that you are already addicted? Or maybe you aren’t addicted yet, you’re just a frequent or heavy drinker, but you know that you’re headed there soon if you don’t get help.
Did you start drinking to forget a traumatic past or cope better with a stressful situation you were going through? Perhaps you drank to forget your fears, anxieties, or problems? Or maybe you drank to kill boredom, have fun, or simply because all your friends were drinking?
According to studies, many people turn to alcohol as a means of dealing with psychological distress. For others, it is a low life satisfaction that causes them to binge drink.
An individual is said to have psychological distress when going through a combination of painful emotional or mental symptoms, such as moodiness, fear, anger, sadness, fatigue, social anxiety, etc. On the other hand, low life satisfaction happens when an individual is not happy with the quality of their life.
Hypnosis to Stop Drinking – Healing the Root Cause of Excessive Drinking
Now, if you or a person you care about is thinking of trying hypnosis to stop drinking, you’re probably wondering what the therapy or treatment involves. The truth is that there’s nothing to worry about – your therapist will use a combination of safe treatments or techniques (with your informed consent, of course), including hypnosis, psychotherapy, regression, and EFT (emotional freedom techniques) to help you identify and take control of your triggers, i.e., any behaviors, feelings, or life situations that trigger you into drinking uncontrollably.
How it works:
Your hypnotherapist accesses your unconscious mind through hypnosis, i.e., putting you in a hypnotic state. This process relaxes your unconscious mind, thus making it more focused on your psychological processes, and you’re able to identify and recognize triggers you may never have known existed in your conscious state.
Once your triggers are brought to light, your therapist will help you break free, i.e., change or control your thought patterns and behaviors that lead to excessive drinking.
What about the urges and cravings?
You’re probably wondering, “Does hypnosis for drinking address the cravings and urges too, or does it only focus on the triggers/root cause of excessive drinking?”
Hypnosis for drinking addresses the root cause of excessive drinking. It helps curb the urges and cravings that are usually too difficult to control when one has become dependent on alcohol.
How it works – through hypnosis, your therapist will reprogram that part of your brain that causes you to crave alcohol using suggestive techniques, causing it to “forget” the obsession, thus freeing you from the addiction.
With your triggers, cravings, and urges under your control, the power to control your drinking returns to you, and you’re able to drink responsibly once more or completely stop drinking.
You see, it’s not all about quitting; it’s also about helping people who still want to enjoy the habit to do so more responsibly. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with drinking, as long as it’s in moderation.
Hypnosis to stop drinking – how many sessions are enough?
The number of sessions required varies by individual and the desire to stop or control their drinking habits. Factors that may determine the number of sessions needed include the duration (number of days, months, years) of the addiction or dependence, dependence/addiction levels, individual triggers/root causes, etc.
The only way to know how many sessions will work for you is to book an appointment with a reputable hypnotherapist – the good news is that alcoholism or alcohol dependence is a highly curable condition. With a good hypnotherapist, there’s hope for you or your loved one!
All in all, the real power of hypnosis to stop drinking lies in your desire to heal.
Feel free to contact a fully licensed hypnotherapist here or call 07 5500 5573 to book a hypnotherapy appointment or ask for more detailed information.
Disclaimer: Results may differ from individual to individual. Specific results are not guaranteed.