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About Roland James

Hi, I’m Roland James. I’m a full time Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist, offering consultations with a professional, objective and confidential approach.

I’ve received scores of letters from happy clients who have come to me with all sorts of both physical and mental issues. I’m often told I have achieved success where others in the medical and therapeutic industry have not. I too have had a wide range of life experiences, so I understand and empathise for my clients. Judgement is not for me to make.   In past years I’ve seen active service as a member of the 45th Commando, Royal Marines. I’ve also spent many years successfully farming the land and running a business. I have a deep interest in Natural Therapies and the power of the Human mind. This has led me to study anatomy, physiology, psychotherapy and, finally Hypnotherapy.
I’ve had a lifelong fascination with what makes human beings ‘tick’.   Within my treatment of clients I occasionally combine hypnosis with a number of different alternative therapies, including Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT).  In short, I use a recipe that’s unique to me and this could be why I often achieves success where other hypnotherapists have not.
I have studied and become certified in all types of hypnosis and ensured I’ve gained correct and legal qualifications to offer you the best treatment possible. It’s all about YOU at every treatment session you have with me, time is always spent on discussing your aspirations and life experiences.
Using a combination of this information, my own life experience and EFT, I develop a solution tailored to your own, unique set of circumstances. Its my aim to enable your mind to focus on what it takes for you to overcome your issues and challenges and achieve your goal!