In the day to day rat-race of life it can be difficult to find a place of calm within. Traffic can frustrate, work over-load, or not enough work, can make you feel anxious or stressed, current news and world events may put you into a state of fear or sadness, a fight with a family member may leave you feeling distressed.

All of these feelings – anxiousness, stress, fear, sadness and distress have an adverse impact upon the body and can accelerate the breathing, give knots in the stomach, interfere with sleep or have you reaching for a chocolate bar, cigarette, another coffee or reduce the hunger. Left unchecked a state of non-calm swiftly becomes a stressed state and the body increases its production of stress hormones (cortisol, cortisone, and adrenaline) which can lead to flight or fight syndrome and adrenal-overload.

It is important to find a way to bring calm back despite the triggers to avoid the stress-hormone and adrenal-overload cycle and to simply, help you to feel better in busy lives.

How to Bring the Calm Back Technique

Now you may be asking the question: how can I calm myself when things are chaotic in my outer environment. That’s a good question and an answerable question. It is possible. No matter the trigger, whether it is traffic, a fight at home, work or daily news, it is possible to bring a state of calm back into your being.

The following steps are perfect relaxation techniques designed to manage stress and bring about an immediate state of calm.

  1. Find a comfortable chair to sit in
  2. Place your hands over your open eyes and breathe 3 times. (This technique quietens the liver energy)
  3. Now, close the eyes put your hands in your lap and breathe deeply – feel the chest rise and fall and as you breathe in count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5… then breathe out and count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5… Repeat this 3 times (the counting keeps you focused on the breath and keeps thoughts at bay)
  4. You will feel a sense of calmness and you can begin to focus on your body on the seat. Bring all of your awareness to the seat and how your body feels on the seat. Take the time to sit completely in the seat, leaning into the support it offers you
  5. Bring your awareness back to your breath, feel the chest rise and fall and as you breathe in count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5… then breathe out and count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5…
  6. Shift your focus to your feet and become aware of the soles of your feet and how they touch the floor or your shoes
  7. Bring your awareness back to your breath, feel the chest rise and fall and as you breathe in count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5… then breathe out and count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5…
  8. Now shift your focus to the sounds around you, simply notice the sounds without forming a judgement of them, simply hear them as background noise
  9. Bring your awareness back to your breath, feel the chest rise and fall and as you breathe in count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5… then breathe out and count 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5…
  10. Bring your focus back to you state of being and feelings. Notice how your inner-being has calmed down, notice the stillness in your body, and notice how your breathing has moderated. You are now in a state of calm

The more you practice this technique the more your body will respond and you will develop a new pattern for dealing with stress and states of non-calm in your day to day life.  Before long you will have a calm resilience in the midst of chaos with a happier countenance, improved physiological well-being and better breathing patterns. You can teach this technique to anyone including your children to instil positive calm and stress techniques.

Find out more about the hypnotherapy for anxiousness/anxiety attacks and receive your FREE 15 minute consultation. You will be amazed at the difference hypnosis will make to your life!


Information in this article is for educational purpose only, and should not be used in place of medical advice. Please consult your doctor if you are concerned about your health, mental and emotional well-being.